Beyond Hills

Walking therapy for body and mind


Throughout history, people have been walking for recreation and to gain new perspectives on life. Among the most famous walks is Camino de Santiago where pilgrims have been walking for more than a 1000 years.

There, beyond hills, they found inner strength to realise their highest potential and prove their faith and commitment to themselves and to the world.

Today we live in a world were there is less and less necessity to get out in the nature – at the same time as physical and psychological well being is at an all time low.

After experiencing first hand the benefits of walking the Camino, we decided that we wanted motivate more people getting out in the nature.

On this website you can find more information about the benefits of walking, read about our hikes around Europe and learn more about the wonders of Costa Blanca.

“Life is a pilgrimage. The wise man does not rest by the roadside inns. He marches direct to the illimitable domain of eternal bliss”


One of the best decisions we have made was to buy a place in Cabo Roig in the southern part of Costa Blanca. Read more about the area and our place in Cabo Roig here


We share many interests including health and well-being, spirituality, yoga and mindfulness, and development of individuals and teams. Read more about us here


Read about our hikes in Spain and other places in the hiking blog or access the most recent post below.